Source code for dockerflow.django.checks

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from django.conf import settings
from django.core import checks
from django.core.exceptions import ImproperlyConfigured
from django.db import connection
from django.db.utils import OperationalError, ProgrammingError
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from .. import health

[docs] def check_database_connected(app_configs, **kwargs): """ A Django check to see if connecting to the configured default database backend succeeds. """ errors = [] try: connection.ensure_connection() except OperationalError as e: msg = "Could not connect to database: {!s}".format(e) errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT_DATABASE)) except ImproperlyConfigured as e: msg = 'Datbase misconfigured: "{!s}"'.format(e) errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_MISCONFIGURED_DATABASE)) else: if not connection.is_usable(): errors.append( checks.Error( "Database connection is not usable", id=health.ERROR_UNUSABLE_DATABASE, ) ) return errors
[docs] def check_migrations_applied(app_configs, **kwargs): """ A Django check to see if all migrations have been applied correctly. """ from django.db.migrations.loader import MigrationLoader errors = [] # Load migrations from disk/DB try: loader = MigrationLoader(connection, ignore_no_migrations=True) except (ImproperlyConfigured, ProgrammingError, OperationalError): msg = "Can't connect to database to check migrations" return [checks.Info(msg, id=health.INFO_CANT_CHECK_MIGRATIONS)] if app_configs: app_labels = [app.label for app in app_configs] else: app_labels = loader.migrated_apps for node, migration in loader.graph.nodes.items(): if migration.app_label not in app_labels: continue if node not in loader.applied_migrations: msg = "Unapplied migration {}".format(migration) # NB: This *must* be a Warning, not an Error, because Errors # prevent migrations from being run. errors.append(checks.Warning(msg, id=health.WARNING_UNAPPLIED_MIGRATION)) return errors
[docs] def check_redis_connected(app_configs, **kwargs): """ A Django check to connect to the default redis connection using ``django_redis.get_redis_connection`` and see if Redis responds to a ``PING`` command. """ import redis from django_redis import get_redis_connection errors = [] try: connection = get_redis_connection("default") except redis.ConnectionError as e: msg = "Could not connect to redis: {!s}".format(e) errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_CANNOT_CONNECT_REDIS)) except NotImplementedError as e: msg = "Redis client not available: {!s}".format(e) errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_MISSING_REDIS_CLIENT)) except ImproperlyConfigured as e: msg = 'Redis misconfigured: "{!s}"'.format(e) errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_MISCONFIGURED_REDIS)) else: result = if not result: msg = "Redis ping failed" errors.append(checks.Error(msg, id=health.ERROR_REDIS_PING_FAILED)) return errors
def register(): check_paths = getattr( settings, "DOCKERFLOW_CHECKS", [ "dockerflow.django.checks.check_database_connected", "dockerflow.django.checks.check_migrations_applied", ], ) for check_path in check_paths: check = import_string(check_path) checks.register(check)