Source code for dockerflow.django.views

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import logging

from django.conf import settings
from django.core.checks.registry import registry as django_check_registry
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound, JsonResponse
from django.utils.module_loading import import_string

from dockerflow import checks

from .signals import heartbeat_failed, heartbeat_passed

version_callback = getattr(
    settings, "DOCKERFLOW_VERSION_CALLBACK", "dockerflow.version.get_version"

logger = logging.getLogger("dockerflow.django")

[docs] def version(request): """ Returns the contents of version.json or a 404. """ version_json = import_string(version_callback)(settings.BASE_DIR) if version_json is None: return HttpResponseNotFound("version.json not found") else: return JsonResponse(version_json)
[docs] def lbheartbeat(request): """ Let the load balancer know the application is running and available must return 200 (not 204) for ELB """ return HttpResponse()
[docs] def heartbeat(request): """ Runs all the Django checks and returns a JsonResponse with either a status code of 200 or 500 depending on the results of the checks. Any check that returns a warning or worse (error, critical) will return a 500 response. """ checks_to_run = ( (check.__name__, lambda: check(app_configs=None)) for check in django_check_registry.get_checks( include_deployment_checks=not settings.DEBUG ) ) check_results = checks.run_checks( checks_to_run, silenced_check_ids=settings.SILENCED_SYSTEM_CHECKS, ) if check_results.level < checks.ERROR: status_code = 200 heartbeat_passed.send(sender=heartbeat, level=check_results.level) else: status_code = 500 heartbeat_failed.send(sender=heartbeat, level=check_results.level) payload = {"status": checks.level_to_text(check_results.level)} if settings.DEBUG: payload["checks"] = check_results.statuses payload["details"] = check_results.details return JsonResponse(payload, status=status_code)