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import logging
import os
import time
import uuid
import warnings

import flask
from werkzeug.exceptions import InternalServerError

from dockerflow import checks

from .. import version
from .checks import (
from .signals import heartbeat_failed, heartbeat_passed

    from flask_login import current_user
except ImportError:  # pragma: nocover
    has_flask_login = False
    has_flask_login = True

    from sqlalchemy.exc import SQLAlchemyError as UserLoadingError
except ImportError:
    # Just in case sqlalchemy isn't even used
    class UserLoadingError(Exception):

[docs] class HeartbeatFailure(InternalServerError): pass
[docs] class Dockerflow(object): """ The Dockerflow Flask extension. Set it up like this: .. code-block:: python :caption: ```` from flask import Flask from dockerflow.flask import Dockerflow app = Flask(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app) Or if you use the Flask application factory pattern, in an own module set up Dockerflow first: .. code-block:: python :caption: ``myproject/`` from dockerflow.flask import Dockerflow dockerflow = Dockerflow() and then import and initialize it with the Flask application object when you create the application: .. code-block:: python :caption: ``myproject/`` def create_app(config_filename): app = Flask(__name__) app.config.from_pyfile(config_filename) from myproject.deployment import dockerflow dockerflow.init_app(app) from myproject.views.admin import admin from myproject.views.frontend import frontend app.register_blueprint(admin) app.register_blueprint(frontend) return app See the parameters for a more detailed list of optional features when initializing the extension. :param app: The Flask app that this Dockerflow extension should be initialized with. :type app: ~flask.Flask or None :param db: A Flask-SQLAlchemy extension instance to be used by the built-in Dockerflow check for the database connection. :param redis: A Redis connection to be used by the built-in Dockerflow check for the Redis connection. :param migrate: A Flask-Migrate extension instance to be used by the built-in Dockerflow check for Alembic migrations. :param silenced_checks: Dockerflow check IDs to ignore when running through the list of configured checks. :type silenced_checks: list :param version_path: The filesystem path where the ``version.json`` can be found. Defaults to the parent directory of the Flask app's root path. """ def __init__( self, app=None, db=None, redis=None, migrate=None, silenced_checks=None, version_path=None, *args, **kwargs, ): # The Flask blueprint to add the Dockerflow signal callbacks and views self._blueprint = flask.Blueprint("dockerflow", "") # The Dockerflow specific logger to be used by internals of this # extension. self.logger = logging.getLogger("dockerflow.flask") self.logger.addHandler(logging.NullHandler()) self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) # The request summary logger to be used by this extension # without pre-configuration. See docs for how to set it up. self.summary_logger = logging.getLogger("request.summary") # A list of IDs of custom Dockerflow checks to ignore in case they # show up. self.silenced_checks = silenced_checks or [] # The path where to find the version JSON file. Defaults to the # parent directory of the app root path. self.version_path = version_path self._version_callback = version.get_version # Initialize the app if given. if app: self.init_app(app) # Initialize the built-in checks. if db: checks.register_partial(check_database_connected, db) if redis: checks.register_partial(check_redis_connected, redis) if migrate: checks.register_partial(check_migrations_applied, migrate)
[docs] def init_app(self, app): """ Initializes the extension with the given app, registers the built-in views with an own blueprint and hooks up our signal callbacks. """ # If no version path was provided in the init of the Dockerflow # class we'll use the parent directory of the app root path. if self.version_path is None: self.version_path = os.path.dirname(app.root_path) for view in ( ("/__version__", "version", self._version_view), ("/__heartbeat__", "heartbeat", self._heartbeat_view), ("/__lbheartbeat__", "lbheartbeat", self._lbheartbeat_view), ): self._blueprint.add_url_rule(*view) self._blueprint.before_app_request(self._before_request) self._blueprint.after_app_request(self._after_request) self._blueprint.app_errorhandler(HeartbeatFailure)( self._heartbeat_exception_handler ) app.register_blueprint(self._blueprint) flask.got_request_exception.connect(self._got_request_exception, sender=app) if not hasattr(app, "extensions"): # pragma: nocover app.extensions = {} app.extensions["dockerflow"] = self
def _heartbeat_exception_handler(self, error): """ An exception handler to act as a middleman to return a heartbeat view response with a 500 error code. """ return error.get_response() def _before_request(self): """ The before_request callback. """ flask.g._request_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) if not hasattr(flask.g, "request_id"): flask.g.request_id = flask.g._request_id flask.g._start_timestamp = time.time() def _after_request(self, response): """ The signal handler for the request_finished signal. """ if not getattr(flask.g, "_has_exception", False): extra = self.summary_extra()"", extra=extra) return response def _got_request_exception(self, sender, exception, **extra): """ The signal handler for the got_request_exception signal. """ extra = self.summary_extra() extra["errno"] = 500 self.summary_logger.error(str(exception), extra=extra) flask.g._has_exception = True
[docs] def user_id(self): """ Return the ID of the current request's user """ # This needs flask-login to be installed if not has_flask_login: return # and the actual login manager installed if not hasattr(flask.current_app, "login_manager"): return # fail if no current_user was attached to the request context try: is_authenticated = current_user.is_authenticated except AttributeError: return # because is_authenticated could be a callable, call it if callable(is_authenticated): is_authenticated = is_authenticated() # and fail if the user isn't authenticated if not is_authenticated: return # finally return the user id try: return current_user.get_id() except UserLoadingError: # but don't fail if for some reason getting the user id # created an exception to not accidently make exception # handling worse. If sqlalchemy is used that catches # all SQLAlchemyError exceptions. pass
[docs] def summary_extra(self): """ Build the extra data for the summary logger. """ out = { "errno": 0, "agent": flask.request.headers.get("User-Agent", ""), "lang": flask.request.headers.get("Accept-Language", ""), "method": flask.request.method, "path": flask.request.path, } # set the uid value to the current user ID user_id = self.user_id() if user_id is None: user_id = "" out["uid"] = user_id # the rid value to the current request ID request_id = flask.g.get("_request_id", None) if request_id is not None: out["rid"] = request_id # and the t value to the time it took to render start_timestamp = flask.g.get("_start_timestamp", None) if start_timestamp is not None: # Duration of request, in milliseconds. out["t"] = int(1000 * (time.time() - start_timestamp)) return out
def _version_view(self): """ View that returns the contents of version.json or a 404. """ version_json = self._version_callback(self.version_path) if version_json is None: return "version.json not found", 404 else: return flask.jsonify(version_json) def _lbheartbeat_view(self): """ Lets the load balancer know the application is running and available. Must return 200 (not 204) for ELB """ return "", 200 def _heartbeat_view(self): """ Runs all the registered checks and returns a JSON response with either a status code of 200 or 500 depending on the results of the checks. Any check that returns a warning or worse (error, critical) will return a 500 response. """ check_results = checks.run_checks( checks.get_checks().items(), silenced_check_ids=self.silenced_checks, ) payload = { "status": checks.level_to_text(check_results.level), "checks": check_results.statuses, "details": check_results.details, } def render(status_code): return flask.make_response(flask.jsonify(payload), status_code) if check_results.level < checks.ERROR: status_code = 200 heartbeat_passed.send(self, level=check_results.level) return render(status_code) else: status_code = 500 heartbeat_failed.send(self, level=check_results.level) raise HeartbeatFailure(response=render(status_code))
[docs] def version_callback(self, func): """ A decorator to optionally register a new Dockerflow version callback and use that instead of the default of :func:`dockerflow.version.get_version`. The callback will be passed the value of the ``version_path`` parameter to the Dockerflow extension object, which defaults to the parent directory of the Flask app's root path. The callback should return a dictionary with the version information as defined in the Dockerflow spec, or None if no version information could be loaded. E.g.:: app = Flask(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app) @dockerflow.version_callback def my_version(root): return json.loads(os.path.join(root, 'acme_version.json')) """ self._version_callback = func
@property def checks(self): """ Backwards compatibility alias. """ message = ( "`dockerflow.checks` is deprecated, use `checks.get_checks()` instead." ) warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return checks.get_checks()
[docs] def init_check(self, check, obj): """ Backwards compatibility method. """ message = "`dockerflow.init_check()` is deprecated, use `checks.register_partial()` instead." warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return checks.register_partial(check, obj)
[docs] def check(self, func=None, name=None): """ Backwards compatibility method. """ message = "`dockerflow.check()` is deprecated, use `checks.register()` instead." warnings.warn(message, DeprecationWarning) return checks.register(func, name)