Source code for dockerflow.logging

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from __future__ import absolute_import

import json
import logging
import socket
import sys
import traceback

[docs] class SafeJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
[docs] def default(self, o): return repr(o)
[docs] class JsonLogFormatter(logging.Formatter): """Log formatter that outputs machine-readable json. This log formatter outputs JSON format messages that are compatible with Mozilla's standard heka-based log aggregation infrastructure. .. seealso:: - Adapted from: """ LOGGING_FORMAT_VERSION = "2.0" # Map from Python logging to Syslog severity levels SYSLOG_LEVEL_MAP = { 50: 2, # CRITICAL 40: 3, # ERROR 30: 4, # WARNING 20: 6, # INFO 10: 7, # DEBUG } # Syslog level to use when/if python level isn't found in map DEFAULT_SYSLOG_LEVEL = 7 EXCLUDED_LOGRECORD_ATTRS = set( ( "args", "asctime", "created", "exc_info", "exc_text", "filename", "funcName", "levelname", "levelno", "lineno", "module", "msecs", "message", "msg", "name", "pathname", "process", "processName", "relativeCreated", "stack_info", "thread", "threadName", ) ) def __init__(self, fmt=None, datefmt=None, style="%", logger_name="Dockerflow"): parent_init = logging.Formatter.__init__ # The style argument was added in Python 3.1 and since # the logging configuration via config (ini) files uses # positional arguments we have to do a version check here # to decide whether to pass the style argument or not. if sys.version_info[:2] < (3, 1): parent_init(self, fmt, datefmt) else: parent_init(self, fmt=fmt, datefmt=datefmt, style=style) self.logger_name = logger_name self.hostname = socket.gethostname()
[docs] def is_value_jsonlike(self, value): """ Return True if the value looks like JSON. Use only on strings. """ return value.startswith("{") and value.endswith("}")
[docs] def convert_record(self, record): """ Convert a Python LogRecord attribute into a dict that follows MozLog application logging standard. * from - * to - """ out = { "Timestamp": int(record.created * 1e9), "Type":, "Logger": self.logger_name, "Hostname": self.hostname, "EnvVersion": self.LOGGING_FORMAT_VERSION, "Severity": self.SYSLOG_LEVEL_MAP.get( record.levelno, self.DEFAULT_SYSLOG_LEVEL ), "Pid": record.process, } # Include any custom attributes set on the record. # These would usually be collected metrics data. fields = {} for key, value in record.__dict__.items(): if key not in self.EXCLUDED_LOGRECORD_ATTRS: fields[key] = value # Only include the 'msg' key if it has useful content # and is not already a JSON blob. message = record.getMessage() if message and not self.is_value_jsonlike(message): fields["msg"] = message # If there is an error, format it for nice output. if record.exc_info: fields["error"] = repr(record.exc_info[1]) fields["traceback"] = safer_format_traceback(*record.exc_info) out["Fields"] = fields return out
[docs] def format(self, record): """ Format a Python LogRecord into a JSON string following MozLog application logging standard. """ out = self.convert_record(record) return json.dumps(out, cls=SafeJSONEncoder)
[docs] def safer_format_traceback(exc_typ, exc_val, exc_tb): """Format an exception traceback into safer string. We don't want to let users write arbitrary data into our logfiles, which could happen if they e.g. managed to trigger a ValueError with a carefully-crafted payload. This function formats the traceback using "%r" for the actual exception data, which passes it through repr() so that any special chars are safely escaped. """ lines = ["Uncaught exception:\n"] lines.extend(traceback.format_tb(exc_tb)) lines.append("%r\n" % (exc_typ,)) lines.append("%r\n" % (exc_val,)) return "".join(lines)