.. include:: ../README.rst Dockerflow? ----------- You may be asking 'What is Dockerflow_?' Here's what it's documentation says: .. pull-quote:: Dockerflow is a specification for automated building, testing and publishing of docker web application images that comply to a common set of behaviours. Compliant images are simpler to deploy, monitor and manage in production. .. _Dockerflow: https://github.com/mozilla-services/Dockerflow Features -------- .. glossary:: environment Accept its configuration through environment variables. See: :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Sanic ` port Listen on environment variable ``$PORT`` for HTTP requests. See: :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Sanic ` version Must have a JSON version object at ``/app/version.json``. See: :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Sanic ` health * Respond to ``/__version__`` with the contents of /app/version.json * Respond to ``/__heartbeat__`` with a HTTP 200 or 5xx on error. This should check backing services like a database for connectivity * Respond to ``/__lbheartbeat__`` with an HTTP 200. This is for load balancer checks and should not check backing services. See: :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Sanic ` logging Send text logs to ``stdout`` or ``stderr``. See: :ref:`Generic `, :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Sanic ` static content Serve its own static content. See: :ref:`Django `, :ref:`Flask `, :ref:`Flask ` Contents -------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :glob: development authors changelog logging django flask sanic api/index Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`