Sanic ===== The package ``dockerflow.sanic`` package implements various tools to support Sanic based projects that want to follow the Dockerflow specs: - A Python logging formatter following the `mozlog`_ format. - A Sanic extension implements: - Emitting of `request.summary`_ log records based on request specific data. - Views for health monitoring: - ``/__version__`` - Serves a ``version.json`` file - ``/__heartbeat__`` - Runs the configured Dockerflow checks - ``/__lbheartbeat__`` - Retuns a HTTP 200 response - Signals for passed and failed heartbeats. - Built-in Dockerflow checks for SQLAlchemy and Redis connections and validating Alembic migrations. - Hooks to add custom Dockerflow checks. .. _`mozlog`: .. _`request.summary`: .. seealso:: For more information see the :doc:`API documentation ` for the ``dockerflow.sanic`` module. Setup ----- To install ``python-dockerflow``'s Sanic support please follow these steps: #. In your code where your Sanic application lives set up the dockerflow Sanic extension:: from sanic import Sanic from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow app = Sanic(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app) #. Make sure the app root path is set correctly as this will be used to locate the ``version.json`` file that is generated by CircleCI or another process during deployment. .. seealso:: :ref:`sanic-versions` for more information #. Configure logging to use the ``JsonLogFormatter`` logging formatter for the ``request.summary`` logger (you may have to extend your existing logging configuration), see :ref:`sanic-logging` for more information. .. _sanic-config: Configuration ------------- .. epigraph:: Accept its configuration through environment variables. There are several options to handle configuration values through environment variables when configuring Sanic. Sanic configuration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The simplest is to use Sanic's own ability to access environment variables for settings and other variables. Any variables defined with the ``SANIC_`` prefix will be applied to the sanic config. For example, setting ``SANIC_REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` will be loaded by the application automatically and fed into the ``REQUEST_TIMEOUT`` config variable. -- `Sanic docs on configuration`_. The downside of that is that it nicely works only for string based variables, since that's what ``os.environ`` returns. .. _Sanic docs on configuration: python-decouple ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A good replacement is python-decouple_ as it's agnostic to the framework in use and offers casting the returned value to the type wanted, e.g.:: from decouple import config MY_SETTING = config('SANIC_MY_SETTING', default='default value') DEBUG = config('SANIC_DEBUG', default=False, cast=bool) As you can see the ``DEBUG`` configuration value would be populated from the ``SANIC_DEBUG`` environment variable but also be cast as a boolean (while considering the string values ``'1'``, ``'yes'``, ``'true'`` and ``'on'`` as truthy values, and similar for falsey values). sanic-envconfig ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you need to solve more complex configuration scenarios there are tools like sanic-envconfig_ which allows loading settings for different environments (e.g. dev, stage, prod) via environment variables. It provides a small Python base class to allow setting up the configuration values: E.g. in a ```` file next to your application:: from sanic_envconfig import EnvConfig class Dev(EnvConfig): DEBUG: bool = True DB_URL: str = None WORKERS: int = 1 PORT: int = 5000 class Prod(Dev): DEBUG: bool = False Then in your application code:: import os from sanic import Sanic app = Sanic(__name__) app.config.from_object(os.environ.get('SANIC_CONFIG', 'config.Dev')) In that example the configuration class that is given in the ``SANIC_CONFIG`` environment variable would be used to update the default Sanic configuration values while allowing to override the values via environment variables. It's recommended to use the sanic-envconfig feature to define a prefix for the environment variable it uses to check, e.g.:: from sanic_envconfig import EnvConfig class Dev(EnvConfig): _ENV_PREFIX = 'ACME_' DEBUG = True To override the config value of ``DEBUG`` the environment variable would be called ``ACME_DEBUG``. .. _python-decouple: .. _sanic-envconfig: .. _sanic-serving: ``PORT`` -------- .. epigraph:: Listen on environment variable ``$PORT`` for HTTP requests. Depending on which WSGI server you are using to run your Python application there are different ways to accept the :envvar:`PORT` as the port to launch your application with. It's recommended to use port ``8000`` by default. Gunicorn ~~~~~~~~ Gunicorn automatically will bind to the hostname:port combination of ``$PORT`` if it find the :envvar:`PORT` environment variable. That means running gunicorn is as simple as using this, for example:: gunicorn myproject:app --worker-class sanic.worker.GunicornWorker .. seealso:: The `full gunicorn documentation `_ for more details. ASGI ~~~~ Sanic is also ASGI-compliant. This means you can use your preferred ASGI webserver to run Sanic. The three main implementations of ASGI are Daphne, Uvicorn, and Hypercorn. .. seealso:: The `Sanic deployment documentation`_ has more details. .. _Sanic deployment documentation: .. _sanic-versions: Versions -------- .. epigraph:: Must have a JSON version object at /app/version.json. Dockerflow requires writing a `version object`_ to the file ``/app/version.json`` as seen from the docker container to be served under the URL path ``/__version__``. To facilitate this python-dockerflow comes with a Sanic view to read the file under the current worked directory (``.``). If you'd like to override the location from which the view is reading the ``version.json`` file from, simply override the optional ``version_path`` parameter to the :class:`` class, e.g.:: from sanic import Sanic from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow app = Sanic(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app, version_path='/app') Alternatively if you'd like to completely override the way the version information is read use the :meth:`` decorator to decorate a callback that gets the ``version_path`` value passed. E.g.:: import json from sanic import Sanic from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow app = Sanic(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app) @dockerflow.version_callback def my_version(root): return json.loads(os.path.join(root, 'acme_version.json')) .. _version object: .. _sanic-health: Health monitoring ----------------- Health monitoring happens via three different views following the Dockerflow_ spec: .. http:get:: /__version__ The view that serves the :ref:`version information `. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /__version__ HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json { "commit": "52ce614fbf99540a1bf6228e36be6cef63b4d73b", "version": "2017.11.0", "source": "", "build": "" } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 404: a version.json wasn't found .. http:get:: /__heartbeat__ The heartbeat view will go through the list of registered Dockerflow checks, run each check and add their results to a JSON response. The view will return HTTP responses with either an status code of 200 if all checks ran successfully or 500 if there was one or more warnings or errors returned by the checks. **Built-in Dockerflow checks:** There are a few built-in checks that are automatically added to the list of checks if the appropriate Sanic extension objects are passed to the :class:`` class during instantiation. For detailed examples please see the API documentation for the built-in :ref:`Sanic Dockerflow checks `. **Custom Dockerflow checks:** To write your own custom Dockerflow checks simply write a function that returns a list of one or many check message instances representing the severity of the check result. The :mod:`dockerflow.sanic.checks` module contains a series of predefined check messages for the severity levels: :class:`~dockerflow.sanic.checks.Debug`, :class:`~dockerflow.sanic.checks.Info`, :class:`~dockerflow.sanic.checks.Warning`, :class:`~dockerflow.sanic.checks.Error`, :class:`~dockerflow.sanic.checks.Critical`. Here's an example of a check that handles various levels of exceptions from an external storage system with different check message:: from sanic import Sanic from dockerflow.sanic import checks, Dockerflow app = Sanic(__name__) dockerflow = Dockerflow(app) @dockerflow.check async def storage_reachable(): result = [] try: except SlowConnectionException as exc: result.append(checks.Warning(exc.msg, id='')) except StorageException as exc: result.append(checks.Error(exc.msg, id='')) return result also works without async:: @dockerflow.check def storage_reachable(): result = [] # ... Notice the use of the :meth:`` decorator to mark the check to be used. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /__heartbeat__ HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json { "status": "warning", "checks": { "check_debug": "ok", "check_sts_preload": "warning" }, "details": { "check_sts_preload": { "status": "warning", "level": 30, "messages": { "security.W021": "You have not set the SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD setting to True. Without this, your site cannot be submitted to the browser preload list." } } } } :statuscode 200: no error :statuscode 500: there was a warning or error .. http:get:: /__lbheartbeat__ The view that simply returns a successful HTTP response so that a load balancer in front of the application can check that the web application has started up. **Example request**: .. sourcecode:: http GET /__lbheartbeat__ HTTP/1.1 Host: **Example response**: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 200 OK Vary: Accept-Encoding Content-Type: application/json :statuscode 200: no error .. _Dockerflow: .. _sanic-logging: Logging ------- Dockerflow provides a :class:`~dockerflow.logging.JsonLogFormatter` Python logging formatter class. To use it, pass something like this to your Sanic app when it is initialized for at least the ``request.summary`` logger:: from sanic import Sanic log_config = { 'version': 1, 'formatters': { 'json': { '()': 'dockerflow.logging.JsonLogFormatter', 'logger_name': 'myproject' } }, 'handlers': { 'console': { 'level': 'DEBUG', 'class': 'logging.StreamHandler', 'formatter': 'json' }, }, 'loggers': { 'request.summary': { 'handlers': ['console'], 'level': 'DEBUG', }, } }) sanic = Sanic(__name__, log_config=log) By default the ``log_info`` parameter has the value of ``sanic.log.LOGGING_CONFIG_DEFAULTS``. Alternatively you can also pass the same logging config dictionary to the ``logging.conf.dictConfig`` utility **BEFORE** your Sanic app is initialized:: from logging.conf import dictConfig from sanic import Sanic log_config = { # ... } dictConfig(log_config) sanic = Sanic(__name__) .. _sanic-static: Static content -------------- Please refer to the Sanic documentation about `serving static files`_ for more information. .. _serving static files: