
This documents the various Sanic specific functionality but doesn’t cover internals of the extension.


class, redis=None, silenced_checks=None, version_path='.', *args, **kwargs)[source]

The Dockerflow Sanic extension. Set it up like this:
from sanic import Sanic
from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow

app = Sanic(__name__)
dockerflow = Dockerflow(app)

Or if you use the Sanic application factory pattern, in an own module set up Dockerflow first:

from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow

dockerflow = Dockerflow()

and then import and initialize it with the Sanic application object when you create the application:

def create_app(config_filename):
    app = Sanic(__name__)

    from myproject.deployment import dockerflow

    from myproject.views.admin import admin
    from myproject.views.frontend import frontend

    return app

See the parameters for a more detailed list of optional features when initializing the extension.

  • app (Sanic or None) – The Sanic app that this Dockerflow extension should be initialized with.

  • redis – A SanicRedis instance to be used by the built-in Dockerflow check for the sanic_redis connection.

  • silenced_checks (list) – Dockerflow check IDs to ignore when running through the list of configured checks.

  • version_path – The filesystem path where the version.json can be found. Defaults to ..

check(func=None, name=None)[source]

Backwards compatibility method.

property checks

Backwards compatibility alias.


Add the Dockerflow views and middleware to app.

init_check(check, obj)[source]

Backwards compatibility method.


Build the extra data for the summary logger.


A decorator to optionally register a new Dockerflow version callback and use that instead of the default of dockerflow.version.get_version().

The callback will be passed the value of the version_path parameter to the Dockerflow extension object, which defaults to the parent directory of the Sanic app’s root path.

The callback should return a dictionary with the version information as defined in the Dockerflow spec, or None if no version information could be loaded.


import aiofiles

app = Sanic(__name__)
dockerflow = Dockerflow(app)

async def my_version(root):
    path = os.path.join(root, 'acme_version.json')
    async with, mode='r') as f:
        raw = await
    return json.loads(raw)


async dockerflow.sanic.checks.check_redis_connected(redis_client)[source]

A built-in check to connect to Redis using the given client and see if it responds to the PING command.

It’s automatically added to the list of Dockerflow checks if a SanicRedis instance is passed to the Dockerflow class during instantiation, e.g.:

import redis as redislib
from sanic import Sanic
from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow

app = Sanic(__name__)
redis = redislib.from_url("redis://:password@localhost:6379/0")
dockerflow = Dockerflow(app, redis=redis)

An alternative approach to instantiating a Redis client directly would be using the Sanic-Redis Sanic extension:

from sanic import Sanic
from sanic_redis import SanicRedis
from dockerflow.sanic import Dockerflow

app = Sanic(__name__)
app.config['REDIS'] = {'address': 'redis://:password@localhost:6379/0'}
redis = SanicRedis(app)
dockerflow = Dockerflow(app, redis=redis)